I have very few family members in MN. I think some of them should move here. Therefore, I'm compiling a somewhat objective roundup of rationale for making a move to MN/MPLS, in the form of a list of attaboys that might be appealing to my family members:
Brains and Know-How
- Minneapolis was named the third most literate city in the nation last year by the Center for Public Policy and Social Research
- Minneapolis is named one of the top ten smartest cities in America by the Daily Beast
- Minneapolis was named the best city for finding employment by Forbes Magazine
- Minneapolis, St Paul has the best airport food, according to airfarwatchdog
- Minneapolis named top vacation spot by National Geographic Magazine
- Target Field was named the Sports Facility of the Year by Street & Smith's Sports Business Journal
- Minneapolis Named One of 18 'Coolest Cities' in America by Men's Journal
- Minnesota named 'Most Hipster State in the U.S.'
- Minneapolis has the best parks system, according to Live Science.
- Minneapolis-St. Paul named the healthiest, fittest metropolitan area in the United States by the American College of Sports Medicine
- Minneapolis named Bicycling's Top City by Bicycling.com
- Minnesota named by best trail state by American Trails (biking, equestrian cross-country skiing, off-highway vehicle, water, snowmobile trails, and several thousand hiking trails)
- Minneapolis is the fittest large city in the U.S., according to new rankings from MapMyFitness.
- Named one of the top ten cities for organic eaters to live by Organic Authority.
- Minneosta named one of the top 10 friendliest states for physicians by Modern Medicine.
- Rochester (just 1.5 hours away) named one of the 10 best cities of the next decade by Kiplinger
- Four Minnesota hospitals were named among best in nation by Thomson Reuters
[where: Minnesota, Food, Minneapolis, Twin Cities, 55418]