First we celebrated
independence by going to a lake in Wisconsin. We stayed at a cottage owned by gerg's relatives, Ken and Bev. However, "cottage" is deceptive as this place is pretty big, IMO. I would call it a "lakehouse". We did all sorts of lake activities including swimming, building bon fires, drinking from plastic cups, grilling meats, playing card games with 12 people, playing golf, and getting sunburned. Second, we celebrated
interdependence by attending a wedding.

We celebrated my independence from being a human by attaching Dara's wakeboard to my head because I'm a boathead!! It's kind of like I'm a transformer, which is A-OK with me cuz Optimus Prime and I would be down, FOR REAL. I spent about 20 minutes trying to come up with a good Transformer name.

Lakota celebrated his independence from a fenced-in backyard in the city by jumping into the lake repeatedly, retrieving a water-logged 2x4.

gerg celebrated his independence by freeing his moon from his swimtrunks while he was wakeboarding past his parents as they sat on the pier.

After a bunch of margaritas, I took photos of the bonfire.

Eventually, we left the lake, cuz Goldie and Popsicle got married on 07-07-07. We threw candy at them. It got in their eyes.

During the ceremony, an accoustic band played
"I was Made for Loving You" by Kiss. The melody was played on accordian.

No drinks cuz we had a 3-hour drive back to the cottage, and I needed to help gerg watch out for DEER.

We did, however, eat cake.
Best. Bridal cleavage. Ever.
hahaha i love good weddings. my friends recently wed. Just prior to the procession (right?) "FInal Countdown" was played on accordian and banjo. it was flippin sweet.
i need to catch up Reetz. slap a sistah.
Final countdown??
That's off the chain.
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