This Just in...Lake Street Restaurants

Some dish on Girl Friday's blog about the new restaurants on Lake Street.

"The buzz about the Town Talk boys' new spot on East Lake has died down a little, so I'll spark it back up. I've already been asked half a dozen times in person about the closing of Carne Asada (kitty corner from the Midtown Global Market), and why the windows are all papered up, and if that's where the new concept is going, and I cannot tell a lie: Yes, that's the location."


"...everything is still in place for Mix, meaning that it will be in the old Molly Quinn's space. I was always a little confused as to the plan for the Manhattan Martini Lounge, and I haven't heard much about it lately. So I really don't know."

Thanks Alexis!

I'm wondering where this leaves us regarding the possible Town Talk Trio and Thom partnership mentioned in the Strib in January:
"He [Thom Pham] bought the former Molly Quinn's on Lake Street and is talking to Town Talk Diner partners Tim Niver, David Vlach and Aaron Johnson about turning it into an Asian-fusion spot. No contract has been signed, but they're all on the same page. 'I love those guys,' says Pham, 'and would love if somehow we could work together.'"

I'll ask Alexis and report back what I hear.

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