I've received my ISBN! It's kind of like a birth certificate for my book.
Sara Jolin, the graphic designer is busy as a bee working on a crucial full color layout of the final proof. And based on her previous design work, I'm feeling confident about the looks of the book; it never hurts to have attractive offspring.
Checkout the breakdown of an ISBN (this is an example, not my actual number):

I will save comment on the typeface choices on the UWO promo materials, however, man! UWO is full of cute girls and UGLY guys. Ouch fellas.
I mean...a ponytail? Dude...seriously. ;)
I interviewed the dude with the ponytail. Really interesting guy...pretty good artist! I didn't ask him about the ponytail.
Finding cute girls at/from UW Oshkosh is pretty easy. I know a couple dozen myself, including IIII's wife!
Finding ugly dudes is also pretty easy. I know a couple dozen, including myself.
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