KOZYNDAN prints by the LA husband-and-wife illustrator duo in the quaint Toomer gallery inside SOO. We ran into IIII there. "Well, fancy running into you here! Good day, sir!"
Monick's portraits were relatively captivating, although slightly unrevealing, to me. I didn't feel like I stumbled upon a secret as I gazed into the eyes of some dude sporting a Ramone's shirt. Although, the composition of the photographs was quality. The KOZYNDAN prints were spectacular - intricate and refined glimpses into some sort of delicate and mysterious world of colliding illustrations and animation. My favorite piece of the KOSYNDAN collection: The Bunnies Fall.

Wrapped up Friday evening with a night out at the Peacock Lounge at Erte Restaurant. It's a great establishment for fancy shoes and inspired conversation. The back bar resembles a mausoleum. The wall treatments can easily distract you from a good conversation with their lack of symmetry. Megs and I talked about genocide and the 112 Eatery. David and Dre were spirited and full of cheer, and we spoke of the winter carnival and cold sores. Jana resembled an exotic jewel with her red hair and sapphire blue satin blouse.

We checked out the block ice carving competition and the snow sculpting competition. gerg even attempted his own artful expression. Nice art, gerg! Go here for our photos of the event. The giant snow slide looks appealing, but a little muddy. I hope to try it out next weekend with more snow.
Shivered our way home to meet up with gerg's parents. We were intrigued by Peacock Lounge to the extent that we stopped back for dinner at Erte on Saturday night with gerg's parents. gerg and his dad both enjoyed the Fillet Mignon and hunny bunny carrots with ginger butter. Moms enjoyed the star prairie rainbow trout. I had the give-or-take jumbalaya. The real treat was the sweat potato mashers with real maple syrup. My advice: eat one bowl per week for true happiness. If you're up for a classic supper club meal with a hint of sophistication, this place might be a good choice for you. A band called Rugged Road was playing a fusion of folk, bluegrass, celtic songs, which gerg's mom loved. What with the art district location, they had a collage art collection on display in the dining room. Later that night, I made my Martha's Zin Love for dessert.
323 13th Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis Mn 55413
(612) 623-4211
I was bumming Sunday afternoon about (among other things): the status of my book, (which has been in the design stage for much longer than I anticipated), the slow progress of my career as I finish up my grad degree, and the uncertainties surrounding gerg's health. Lots of sighs and a few tears. Sunday night marked my first visit to the Caterpillar Lounge for a farewell thingy for gerg's pal Ryan. Except, the party wasn't at the Caterpillar Lounge. So Dan, gerg, and I enjoyed a libation sans the party. Good luck in Oshkosh, Ryan!
And then gerg showed me something totally magical: It was about midnight when he pulled over at Minnehaha Falls. Snow floated lazily around our heads as we walked toward the falls. It was almost silent, the water scarcely was running. ICY BEAUTY! (photo by Jim Winstead)
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