Liz is in art school currently, used gerg and I as her photography victims this past Saturday night. She had an assignment for a photography class; she had to tell a story with her photo sequence.
She called and gave us the plot of the shoot. I was going to be arriving at his place for a date. Then he would murder me!
The story was told in seven shots. First: me getting ready for the date - putting on lipstick in the mirror; Second: me waiting for the train - we used the lightrail station at Nicollet Mall by Dreamgirls for the shot; Third: Me finding his name on the buzzer list at his apt. building (the above photo); Fourth: Him greeting me at the door with a rose; Fifth: Him romancing me - yanking on my fishnets. Sixth: him killing me - holding a napkin over my face (cyanide); Seventh: me dead on the floor - my legs sticking out from behind a trunk.
You can view the complete set of photos at http://reetsyphotos.blogspot.com/.
It was a hilarious and fun adventure for gerg and I. Working out lighting was the biggest hurdle. Darkness prevailed throughout the shots.
Plus, what with the previous decapitation on my birthday, this means that gerg's killed me twice this month!!
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